
How Will You Best Set Up Your 2017 Business Plan?

How Will You Best Set Up Your 2017 Business Plan?

There is probably not a day that goes by that someone in a managerial capacity at your properties isn’t talking about strategy for the coming year; what is our plan, who is going to create it, who is going to implement it, etc., etc.  While all of these conversations are highly important, none of them really make a difference if the strategic plan that we ultimately create is not dynamic, measurable, and executable.  Even if we can achieve these three points, the question remains, how will we know if our ‘strategy’ has truly been successful?

Maximize Results By Turning Your Budgeting Process On Its Head

Maximize Results By Turning Your Budgeting Process On Its Head

It’s difficult to believe, but the time for budget and marketing plan development for 2017 is upon us.  Yes, it’s true, now is the time when many of us are working on our plans for the coming year.  As we go through this exercise, the challenge for all of us is to remain focused on the desired outcome.  Do we all agree on what that outcome should be?   Surprisingly, perhaps not.